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Western Reserve Trust Company (WRTC) is a new firm with an old-fashioned mission. It was founded by three veterans of the trust industry in order to preserve something they saw slipping away: a business model based not on sales, but on a generations-long commitment to serving the best interests of clients.

The principals of WRTC had spent decades in law and banking, providing thoughtful, caring service to clients: however, they imagined how things could be done differently through a new type of entity. As a result, they came together to form WRTC and pursue their common vision.

In order to remain independent and free of the inherent conflicts that can arise in a sales-driven atmosphere, the founders decided that WRTC, a non-depository trust bank, will not provide investment management services but will guard and administer the clients’ assets according to their wishes.

Our business is trusted because it is experienced and independent. Wisdom blossoms when free from entanglement. As a result, we operate differently.  We believe in the lessons of the past, but are confident in blazing a new way forward. 

Rather than pursue immediate growth, the founders will not add new trust clients until they are certain they can provide them with the exemplary level of service that current clients receive. New employees will be chosen, not only for their expertise, but also for their dedication to this service ideal and willingness to be trained to WRTC’s standards.

WRTC is not interested in flash or promotion. It does its work quietly and without hype, knowing that loyalty and service will allow it to thrive. Though wedded to traditional standards and values, WRTC is small and independent, free of corporate bureaucracy and therefore able to offer more personalized, concierge-type services beyond those of other trust firms.

The founders’ vision for Western Reserve Trust Company extends beyond their own tenure. It will be their legacy, a trust company that will continue to serve generations of clients, without conflict or compromise.
